In business today, creativity and innovative thinking have emerged as the most import skills for solving problems, capitalizing on opportunities, and driving innovation.
But in a recent survey of CEOs from around the world, business leaders see a shortage of skills in these areas as one of the greatest challenges to growth.*
Innovation is not an occasional event; it is an everyday mindset, a way of doing business. Innovative thinking and creative problem-solving ability contribute to your competitive edge and your bottom line. And this ability is important throughout the organization—not just in a few, innovation-focused areas.
Creativity CAN be taught and developed. But only if you know what needs to be taught.
Research shows that creative problem-solving is a process that can be taught and developed in anyone.*
But not everyone is creative in the same way. Only by understanding your team’s individual strengths and weaknesses can you determine how to best support their efforts, address critical gaps, assemble the most effective teams, and leverage abilities for maximum success.
“More than rigor, management discipline, integrity or even vision – successfully navigating an increasingly complex world will require creativity”
-IBM Global Survey of CEO’s, 2010
“Creativity and innovation had returned to the top of the strategic agenda’ 72% of companies said their primary strategic objective was innovation”
-The Boston Consulting Group’s 2010
“Fostering a culture of creativity is crucial”
“We assume that 50% of our revenue in 5 years’ time must come from sources that do not exist today. That is why we innovate”
-Ernst & Young, Connecting Innovation to Profit Report 2010
“Creative and innovative working are essential for all jobs and how to enhance innovative working continues to be the most significant challenge for organizations”
-The NESTA Report, 2009
me2 General Factor of Creativity is Your Gateway to More Innovative Thinking
SmartStorming is a certified provider of the me2 diagnostic tool—world’s most advanced psychometric assessment and development tool for creative thinking ability.
The me2 General Factor of Creativity report explores 12 individual factors grouped into four dimensions: idea generation, personality, motivation and confidence. When viewed holistically, these factors reveal how individuals see themselves in terms of their creative thinking ability. Once identified, the 12 factors can be better understood, leveraged, and developed.
The me2 reports reflect 100 years of research into creativity. With a database of more than 12,000 profiles, you can quickly and objectively understand your team’s individual creative thinking styles compared to others.
Benefits of identifying and developing your team’s creative thinking abilities
Greater understanding of innovative thinking and creative problem-solving
The knowledge, confidence, and motivation necessary to think and act more innovatively
Increased ability to make new associations and connections for out of the box solutions *
Improved job performance *
More positive attitude towards creativity *
Faster responses to changes *
Greater flexibility in the face of unpredictability *
Greater process flexibility *
Increased tendency towards innovation *
* Research citations available upon request