Innovation doesn’t happen unless the necessary

understanding, confidence, leadership, and skills are in place – throughout your organization.

Innovation doesn’t happen unless the necessary

understanding, confidence, leadership, and skills are in place – throughout your organization.

by adminsmartstrm

It’s been said that companies don’t innovate, people do.

But over 90% of individuals working in virtually every industry have had little-to- no training in how to think and perform like an innovator. Most lack the understanding, confidence, and skills necessary to transform tough business challenges into innovative solutions.

Our intensive SmartStorming skills development programs provide the knowledge, tools, techniques, and hands-on experience your team needs to generate innovative business solutions, every day. All SmartStorming programs are highly engaging and interactive.

The objective is to provide practical, scalable, innovative problem-solving skills that participants can start putting to use right away.

Programs are available for managers, team leaders, and individual contributors.

SmartStorming® Skills Development Programs

SmartStorming Innovative Problem Solving

SmartStorming Innovative Problem Solving is a powerful, comprehensive, and flexible process for tackling tough business challenges of any kind, quickly and effectively. It provides a proven methodology, skills and tools necessary for consistently generating more innovative solutions,whenever they are needed. This eye-opening program is designed to help any individual become the most effective innovative problem-solver possible. (Versions available for team leaders and individual contributors.)


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SmartStorming Brainstorm Leadership

In organizations around the world, group brainstorming is still the most widely-used process for generating and developing new ideas. This program is designed to teach team leaders everything they need to know to plan and confidently lead highly-effective sessions, every time. (For team leaders.)


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Innovation Alchemy: Problem Solving Secrets of the World’s Most Innovative Companies

What do innovation leaders like Apple, Google, Amazon, and Nike know that their competitors don’t? In this powerful program, participants learn 10 proven approaches to innovating virtually any product, service or process. Plus, they get to apply their new skills to a real-world business challenge. (For team leaders and individual contributors.)


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SmartStormer® Innovative Thinking & Idea Generation eLearning

Everyone has the innate ability to solve problems creatively. But few people have the knowledge and confidence necessary to do it consistently. This online-based, learn-at-your own pace program teaches anyone how to “think outside the box” and generate bigger, better, more innovative ideas.


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