Innovation Alchemy is a dynamic, highly interactive program that guarantees results. Participants learn 10 creative problem-solving approaches employed by innovation leaders like Apple, Google, Disney, and Nike—approaches that can be applied instantly to any business project, issue, challenge, or opportunity. And they have the opportunity to apply their new skills to a real-world business challenge, and explore fresh ways to improve, evolve, or transform it. Participants leave with practical innovative problem- solving skills that are sure to deliver significant benefits to them, their teams, their organization, and their clients.
How you will benefit …
- Confidently generate multiple innovative solutions to any business challenge, whenever you need them
- Deliver game-changing ideas to clients and your organization
- Maximize personal productivity and contribution to the team
- Work smarter, faster, and more efficiently
- Learn the secrets of top innovators for how to think outside the box
- Maintain a competitive edge
- Contribute to the organization’s culture of innovation
What you will learn ….
- What innovation actually is, and why it impacts us all
- Why innovative problem solving has become one of the most essential skills for business success
- The 3 types to innovation
- 20 aspects of any project, business, or brand that are ripe for innovation
- 10 simple and proven innovation approaches that can be used to transform any business challenge
- How to collaborate more effectively to build bigger and better ideas
- How to accurately identify your most promising ideas